Who is Percy Barr?
That single word can polarize people from excitement to sheer terror. I've always had a fascination with being in business.
As a youngster growing up on a farm, I raised cattle and rabbits, sold worms to the local fisherman, collected pop bottles for the refunds along with all kinds of things to make a bit of cash.
After college, I worked for various companies, selling computers, lab equipment, services and office furniture. I've worked as a programmer, software consultant, instructor, supervisor, manager, counsellor and business owner.
I've always taken a leadership role in everything I do.
I've always been solving problems for myself, my employer and my clients.
It is easier to see the answer when you're outside the problem.
Could you use some help to solve some issues in your business? Maybe you need someone to talk to that has been there and will listen and give you some honest feedback.
Reach out and contact me and let's arrange a time to talk. Let start with a no-charge 45-minute call and see if I can be of service to you.
Maybe a conversation is all you need to get back on your feet and get refocused.

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