You know what you want, and you have worked out a plan of how to get it, but what will keep you motivated to keep working on your goals
Try a vision board.

Tony Robbins
"Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life."
Vision boards are visual depictions or collages of the things you want. They create visual reminders of what you are spending your time and energy creating in your life.
As you think about your future, you may not get a clear vision of what you want.
You want the new car but what colour is it?

What size of engine?
What interior package do you want?
What tires are on it?
Is it the sport package or a custom package?
You see, unless you can keep all the details sorted out, it gets hard to develop a clear picture of what you want.
You can imagine how hard it is for a house, cottage, or item with many details.
Using a vision board gives you a visual reminder about all the details without you having to recall the colour of the walls or the type of wall oven you want.
You can create a vision board for just about anything
• for the family you desire
• the house you want
• the car you want
• the job you want
• the hobbies you hope to have soon
• trips you want to take
• awards you want to win
• vacation home
• certificates
• Anything else you can imagine
The vision board can consist of images, words, and symbols representing a particular goal.
Now I know what you are thinking, "this is a bunch of Woo Woo new age crap." I would remind you that people have been using pictures to represent things they care about and give them reasons for their work.
Jack Canfield used a picture of a $100,000 bill taped to his bedroom ceiling when he first started out. It was the first thing he saw every morning when he woke up. That year he made $97,000 from his books. This was before Chicken Soup for the Soul books.
Why do people have pictures of their families on their desks and walls? Maybe it is to remember why they put in all the effort and long hours working.
You can create a physical vision board or, thanks to technology, a digital one. Here is a link to some reviews of vision Board Software.
You can also create a vision book using a binder.
You can make a vision board using craft materials to create something physical, or you can use software like,, or MS PowerPoint and keep it digital.
Advantages of a vision board
You can invest in vision board software or use the software you already have. It's up to you.
This post aims to encourage you to use vision boards to inspire you to achieve a particular goal.
By creating a tangible representation of the future as you wish, you give yourself a visual reminder of what you want. This visual reminder is a great way to motivate yourself and help you set up steps to achieve the vision.
The best vision board considers all eight areas of life that we talked about before in lifestyle design.
Eight Areas of Life to Design:
- 1Career and Business
- 2Education and Training
- 3Family Goals
- 4Health and Fitness
- 5Finances
- 6Personal and Spiritual Development
- 7Hobbies and Fun
- 8Community Involvement
You can start with one section at a time, finding images, words, and items that help define and depict what it will look like if you have the most success in life.
Use words like "joyful," "abundant," "powerful," "fearless," "loved," "strong," "healthy," "loving," or "financially free."
These are supposed to be your big dream or your goal in life.

JAmes Allen
"In your hands will be placed the exact results of your thoughts; you will receive that which you earn, no more, no less. Whatever your present environment may be, you will fail, remain, or rise with your thoughts, your wisdom, desire, as great as your dominant aspiration."
You'll want to think long-term, ten years or more, into the future as you design and create your vision board.
To get started using each of the eight areas, develop a list of goals you'd like to achieve in the next year, five years, or ten years into the future.
Using that list of goals, you can find images, words, and even tactical items if you're doing it with actual materials to help build the vision board.
Once you find pictures and visuals representing how you see the future and what best represents your goals met, you can start making each section of your vision board.
General elements of an effective and motivating vision
Here are the general elements of an effective and motivating vision board. There are:
1. Visual
Your subconscious tends to work in terms of images and pictures, and so your vision board should be as visual as you can possibly make it. Supplement the images with phrases and words as needed.
2. Emotional
Every image on your goal map should evoke some type of positive emotional response out of you. Seeing it should fuel your motivation to achieve your dreams.
3. Strategic
Place your vision board strategically in a location where you receive maximum exposure to it. Seeing your vision board as often as possible will help you stay focused on your goals and dreams.
4. Personal
Your vision board needs to emit positive energy. If you think that you'll be criticized or forced to justify yourself for your vision board, then keep it in a private location so nobody else can bother it or you.
It's important to note whether the business you choose can lead to reaching the goals you set for other areas of your life. The practice of creating the board can help you figure out whether what you want is even possible or not.
For example, if you are to realize your goal of having and flying your own airplane, you will understand that the costs of this goal require a certain amount of money and resources.
Does your business have the ability to provide the income to achieve your dreams?
If not, you may find you want to adjust some of your assumptions or goals to match your resources, principles, morals, and values.
What happens when you achieve the item on your vision board?
Create a success board so you can see the successes you have had, which will give you confidence in the future to keep going.
I hope you have enjoyed the blog post, and if you know of anyone else that could use this information please send them the link

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